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Company Name : Advanced-Trainings.com
Contact Name :  Til Luchau
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Location : 3514 Nyland Way Lafayette CO 80026 United States
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Led by Til Luchau Advanced Trainings offer top quality continuing professional development education for structural Integration practitioners, other manual therapy practitioners, clinics, and organisations.

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Sternocleidomastoid Myofascial Therapy | SCM Technique

Excerpts from the \"Neck, Head & Jaw\" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from: www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://a-t.tv/subscribe.htmlFacebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comVideos, free courses, and downloads: http://a-t.tv

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Jaw/Cervical - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Neck, Head & Jaw" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://a-t.tv/subscribe.htmlFacebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs, free courses, and downloads: http://a-t.tv

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Sciatic Nerve Glide Test - Advanced Myofascial Techniques Video Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "SCIATICA" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training videos and DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Available from:http://www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs: http://a-t.tv/

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External Tibial Rotation Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Knee Issues" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training video course with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs and HD downloads: http://a-t.tv

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Nod Test (Cervical Assessment) - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Neck Jaw & Head" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs: http://a-t.tv/

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Sacrum Technique (Indirect) - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs: http://a-t.tv/

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Cervical Fascia Technique/Over-the-Edge - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Know the basic whiplash cautions and contraindications! **Technique appropriate only for older, stiffer, less-reactive ("cold") whiplash. Contraindicated for recent, unstable ("hot") whiplash; high blood pressure; glaucoma.** Excerpted from the "Whiplash" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training videos with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://a-t.tv/subscribe.htmlFacebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs: http://a-t.tv/

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SCM (Sternocleidomastoid) Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Whiplash" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, former Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs: http://a-t.tv/

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Iliotibial Band Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. (aka "Iliotibial Tract Technique")Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com877/499-8811

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Headaches: Ear (Superior Crura) - Advanced Myofascial Techniques Video Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Headaches & Migraines" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training video with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com877/499-8811Download the Course Now!  https://advanced-trainings.vhx.tv/buy...Get More--Subscribe to our Free Newsletter:  http://advanced-trainings.com/subscri...Join the private discussion on FaceBook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/AT.di... Subscribe for more:  http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...DVDs and downloads:  http://a-t.tv/ 

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Knee/Quadriceps Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques Video Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Leg, Knee, & Foot" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comVideos and DVDs: http://a-t.tv/

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Vertbral Mobility Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Spine, Ribs, & Low Back" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs: http://a-t.tv/

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Vestibular Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Neck, Jaw & Head" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVDs: http://a-t.tv/neckdvd

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Psoas Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVD: http://a-t.tv/pelvisdvd

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TMJ: Posterior Digastric Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "TMJ & Jaw Issues" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVD with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscriFacebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVD: http://a-t.tv//tmjdvd

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Mesentery Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques Video Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Spine, Ribs & Low Back" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training Videos with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.com

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Diaphragm - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Spine, Ribs, & Low Back" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com877/499-8811Site: http://www.Advanced-Trainings.comNewsletter: http://www.Advanced-Trainings.com/sub...Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Advance... 

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Lumbar Technique Pt 2 - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Spine, Ribs & Low Back" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811.Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVD: http://a-t.tv/spinedvdPart 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaYVt...

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Lumbar Technique Pt 1 - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

aka "Thoracolumbar Fascia Technique" Excerpts from the "Spine, Ribs & Low Back" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVD: http://a-t.tv/spinedvd

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Hamstring Injury / Lengthening Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Leg, Knee, & Foot" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811

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Forearm Flexor Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Arm, Wrist & Shoulder" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Purpose/Intention:• Increase fascial differentiation, elasticity, and proprioceptive acuity of the lower limb.Indications:• Movement restrictions or pain of the forearm, wrist, or hand.• Neurovascular compression symptoms, including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome• Preparation for neck or shoulder work, eg, whiplash.Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com877/499-8811 

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Core Point Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

The Core Point Technique is an example of how we work with bone in the Advanced Myofascial Techniques series, in this case, with the purpose of integration and proprioceptive refinement. Excerpted from the "Arm, Wrist, & Shoulder" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811

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Masseter Technique (Intraoral) - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Til Luchau - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Neck, Jaw & Head" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com877/499-8811Subscribe for more: http://Advanced-Trainings.com/subscri...Facebook: http://Facebook.Advanced-Trainings.comDVD: http://a-t.tv/neckdvd

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Ankle: Fibula/Tibia Syndesmosis - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Leg, Knee & Foot" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.cominfo@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811

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Thenar Eminence (Variation B) - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Arem, Wrist and Hand" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811

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Foot Arch/Intermetatarsal Technique - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Leg, Knee, & Foot" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811

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Anterior Torsion of the Ilium - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series, Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811

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Sacroiliac Joint A/P Release - Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD Series - Advanced Trainings

Excerpts from the "Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVDs with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Advanced-Trainings.com. Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from www.Advanced-Trainings.com info@advanced-trainings.com 877/499-8811

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Knee Issues - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau, Knee Issues, external Tibial Rotation Technique



Sciatica & Disc Issues - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau, Sciatica, Disc Issues



Advanced Myofascial Techniques (Vol. 1) Shoulder, Pelvis, Leg and Foot

ADVANCED MYOFASCIAL TECHNIQUES, Shoulder, Pelvis, Leg, Foot, Til Luchau, Robert Schleip



Advanced Myofascial Techniques (Vol. 2) Neck, Head, Spine & Ribs

ADVANCED MYOFASCIAL TECHNIQUES, Neck, Head, Spine & Ribs, Til Luchau, Thomas Myers



Pelvis, Hip & Sacrum - Advanced Trainings




Headaches & Migraines - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Til Luchau, Migraine, Headache



All 5 Courses (Full 10-DVD Set) - Advanced Trainings

Arm, Wrist, & Shoulder, Neck, Jaw, Head, Spine, Ribs, Low Back, Pelvis, Hip, Sacrum, Leg, Knee, Foot



Spine, Ribs & Lower Back - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau, Spine, Ribs & Lower Back



Neck, Jaw & Head - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau, Neck, Jaw & Head



Leg, Knee & Foot - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau, Leg, Knee & Foot



Arm, Wrist & Shoulder - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau, Arm, Wrist & Shoulder



Whiplash - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau, Whiplash, Neck, Trauma



TMJ & Jaw Issues - Advanced Trainings

Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau, TMJ, Jaw Issues



Printed Notebooks: All 5 Principle Notebooks Set - Advanced Trainings

Printed Notebooks, 5 Principle Notebooks Set, Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau



Printed Notebooks: All 9 Specialty Notebooks Set - Advanced Trainings

All 9 Specialty Notebooks Set, Advanced Trainings, Til Luchau

School & Certification


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3514 Nyland Way