
Contact Information

Company Name : Somatics / Fascial Fitness
Contact Name :  Dr Robert Schleip
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Location : Georgenstrase 22 Munich BY 80799 Germany
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More About Somatics / Fascial Fitness

Robert Schleip is a human biologist and psychologist. His area of expertise is fascia research. He graduated from the University of Heidelberg in 1980 with a degree in psychology. 1977-1983 he trained as a Certified-Advanced-Rolfer and 1984-1987 as a Feldenkrais teacher.

In 2006 he received his doctorate in human biology from the University of Ulm. His doctoral thesis on active fascial contractility was awarded with the Vladimir Janda Prize for Musculoskeletal Medicine.

Schleip was co-initiator of the first International Fascia Congress 2007 at the Harvard Medical School in Boston (1st Fascia Research Congress), which marked the breakthrough for modern fascia research, as well as the subsequent congresses. He was a member of the scientific committee at all events in this series.

Schleip has been Director of the Fascia Research Group, Division of Neurophysiology at the University of Ulm since 2008.

Schleip has been the organizer the organizer of the event "CONNECT - Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine" in 2013 and 2017 together with the sports physician Prof. J?rgen Steinacker.

He is also Executive Research Director of the European Rolfing Association, Vice President of the Ida P. Rolf Research Foundation, and Board Member of the Fascia Research Society.

As a lecturer he teaches in physiotherapy, orthopaedics and training science. He is the author and publisher of specialist publications on the subject of "Fascia" and is present in the media on this subject.

Thank you to source - R.Schleip on Wikipedia

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Georgenstrase 22