
Contact Information

Company Name : Institut fur Strukturelle Korpertherapie
Contact Name :  Dr. Herbert Grassmann
Location : 12 Jagdstraße Nürnberg BY 90419 Germany
Website :
Year Established : 1989
Credentials : Structural Integration Practitioner - GSI Advanced Structural Integration Practitioner Certified Hakomi Practitioner Trauma Therapy (Pat Ogden and Peter Levine)
More About Institut fur Strukturelle Korpertherapie

Body Oriented Psychotherapist in his own Praxis. He is also Director of the European Association of Somatic Traumatherapy (EAST), Executive Director of the Institut for Structural Core Therapy (SKT) and founder of SKT - Strukturelle Körpertherapie® and SomaticMemory.

In the late ‘80s and early 90s he trained with Emmett Hutchens, Peter Melchior & Stacy Mills, Structural Integration (First Guild Class 1989). 1995 Advanced Training. He is a Certified Hakomi Practitioner and trained with Pat Ogden and Peter Levine in Trauma Therapy. Author of several articles and the book: Zwei im Einklang, Kreutz-Verlag. Trainer in Business Companies and lead presenter.

IASI Board Member. My main focus as an international board member is to bring our International IASI members more together by stepping into a dialog between the international schools & training organization and helping to organize international IASI congresses." As the current Chair of the EABP Science & Research Committee, his research focus is on development and evaluation of interpersonal neurobiology models and bridging the gap between attachment and dissociation theories in the field of somatically focused model of trauma therapy.

EABP: http://www.eabp.org/research-scientific-committee.php

School & Certification

Institut fur Strukturelle Korpertherapie Contact School
Board Certified Structural Integrator (cm) Contact School
Structural Integration Practitioner Contact School
The Guild for Structural Integration Contact School
Practitioner of Structural Integration - GSI Contact School


Map location

12 Jagdstraße