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Abdominal Superfical Fascia - Fascial Net Plastination Project

Rachelle L. Clauson discusses the layer on top of the "six pack", the abdominal Superficial Fascia and the dissection project she is working on in the lab. The team is attempting to remove the adipose...

The Fascia Lata is more than the ITBand. Fascial Net Plastination Project — Gary Carter.

Gary Carter discusses the common misconception of the "IT Band" as being a separate and distinct structure when in reality it is a part of the larger fascial wrapping of the thigh called the Fascia La...

Hellerwork Structural Integration - Bodywize

<p>What is Hellerwork Structural Integration? Bodywize...</p>

What is Structural Integration?

http://artofalignment.com -Structural Integration - Art of Alignment Actor Modesto Lacen Cepeda Testimonial - Art of Alignment A Strategic Approach To Aligning Your Life....

What is Rolfing® Structural Integration? Oprah Winfrey

<p>Oprah Winfrey show talking with a Rolfer, what is Rolfing® Structural Integration?&nbsp;</p>

What is Hellerwork? Part II

<p>What is Hellerwork? Part II</p>